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  • Summer Smiles
    The “Back to School” ads are out already? Halloween candy’s showing up in stores? Just a minute—summer isn’t quite over yet! While the days are still warm, let’s look at Read more
  • Happy Labor Day!
    Labor Day is upon us, and that means the non-official end to summer. Before the kids head back to school and temperatures start to cool down, this is your last Read more
  • Does flossing hurt your gums?
    Ideally, it should never hurt when you floss your teeth. But if you haven’t flossed in a long while or don’t do it regularly, you may experience sore or bleeding Read more
  • What to do about Sensitive Teeth
    If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you already know the frustration of having a type of pain that is hard to deal with. Because tooth sensitivity is sometimes unpredictable, you Read more
  • Radiation and the Safety of Dental X-Rays
    It is not uncommon to be concerned about your safety when you have dental X-rays performed. Putting on a heavy lead vest may make you apprehensive. The benefits of dental Read more

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7:00 am-5:00 pm

Closed Memorial Day


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-2:00 pm





